office batch
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The payments and cash management operations are sent to Sogenactif via batch files.
This function enables you to credit a customer’s account without an original reference transaction. Therefore, you must have the information of your customer’s means of payment, or the associated token.
acceptChallenge (batch)
This function allows a merchant to accept the challenge on a transaction. Once the challenge is validated, the transaction retakes its normal course.
cancel (batch)
This function makes it possible to edit the amount of a transaction or to cancel a transaction to be sent to a bank.
You cannot cancel a cancelled operation and you cannot cancel an amount higher than the original one.
cardOrder (batch)
Requests for payment orders via card include the bellow elements.
directDebitOrder (batch)
This function allows you, if you have the bank information of a customer, to make payments by direct debit (e.g. SDD).
duplicate (batch)
This function makes it possible to create a new transaction using the bank details of an existing transaction.
refund (batch)
This function makes it possible to re-credit the buyer’s account.
refuseChallenge (batch)
This function allows a merchant to refuse the challenge on a transaction with orange fraud score. Once the challenge is refused, the transaction is refused.
validate (batch)
This function makes it possible to trigger the settlement of a transaction.
walletCredit (batch)
This function enables you to credit your customers’ accounts through their wallets without prior transaction.
walletOrder (batch)
This function allows to create a payment with a card enrolled in “Sogenactif wallet.”